Archive For: Miscellaneous

My Eyes!

My Eyes!

MY EYES! My Eyes!  We can’t take it anymore. For all that’s good in humanity we have to acknowledge the dark side. We feel compelled to highlight some of the things wrong with DIY design in the 21st century. We always chortle to ourselves that rarely does anyone ‘have a go’ at being a dentist ... Read More
The Puffer Fish

The Puffer Fish

If, like us, you’re a small company that needs to appear to have stature, credibility and style then you need to be a … Puffer fish. No, I’m not off our meds. The Puffer fish (or Blowfish) is an example of millions of years of evolution developing techniques to appear bigger and stronger than it really is. If we ... Read More
Your Small? Think Big!

Your Small? Think Big!

At PUSH we constantly explore new strategies to promote. Like you, we have to work smart and box clever. When it comes to assessing how your customers perceive you it’s not the easiest thing. Design is sometimes referred to as graphic communication, it’s a language. As in any language there are subtleties of expression that ... Read More
Marketing – Elementary My Dear.

Marketing – Elementary My Dear.

In business we’re accountable for many things, many of which we need to call upon professional services for their expertise. A good accountant should be able to guide you through the minefield that is tax and VAT but if you own a calculator theoretically you could do it yourself. Yet, when it comes to the ... Read More
Websites That Stink

Websites That Stink

What a stinking website. It’s funny how the RSS feed is taking in google ads of young Asian ladies looking for suitors! “Me drive a tractor?’