Designing for advertising is a specialist skill. With the invention of the modern computer we all think we can, ‘have a go!’ Thankfully, we don’t appear to have the same school of thought when it comes to being a surgeon or car mechanic yet there is a recklessness in this because it portrays your business as being amatuer or even dodgy. It’s proven. Studies show that people can arrive at a website and decide witin a third of a second whether it is right or wrong for them. Imagine, all that work for no response. Good advertising has to engage a response.
OK, you might not be Coca Cola but you should take their lead in wanting to know your market and how they respond to vibrant design. Advertising campaigns have to work on many levels. The advert that appears in a newspaper may not be the same ad that appears on the side of a bus because the bus design has 2.5 seconds to be understood before it disppears into the distance. Good adverts can have a strapline or call to action with short punchy website url or facebook link. Conceptual advertising is designed specifically to be memorable so that customers call to mind they imagery as a cue to look further or discuss. How may times has the tea break conversation rolled around to the advert seen last night on TV or perhaps a newspaper.